Šárka Panská
1983–1988 Mgr. Faculty of the Physical Education and Sport Charles University (UK FTVS)
with Specialization in Gymnastic Sports
2011–2019 Ph.D. (Kinanthropology Program) at the UK FTVS
Work experience:
1995–2018 Assistant Professor at the Department of Gymnastics, UK FTVS.
From 2021 she works at the Faculty of Education Charles University at the Department of the Physical Education and teaches subjects with a gymnastics focus, didactics of physical education for preschool education.
She is the supervisor of pre-primary and primary education at the Department of Physical Education.
Creative activity:
Creative activity in the field of gymnastic activities (student movement compositions for the World Gymnaestrade WG 2003–2015)
Rhythmic gymnastics – Basic and Combined Programs (2004–2022) – choreographies of compulsory and free routines for RG competitions (2004–present)
Cooperation with various sports organizations (ČSMG, ČGF, ČSAE and FITNESS, ČOS, ČASPV, ČOV).
Possibilities of objective identification of meniscoids in joint blocks of the axial system, by MRI and transfer vibration through the spine. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 2017, 38(5), 360–366.
Trends in the rheological characteristics of the aaxial system of a person depending on age. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 2018, 12(4), 13–19.
Rytmická gymnastika a pohybová skladba. Praha. UK FTVS. 2011 DVD. ISBN-978-80-86317-83-0. grant FRVŠ 1003.
Gymnastická terminologie. Praha. UK FTVS. 2013. Multimediální učební text. CD-ROM. ISBN 978-80-87647-00-4.
Problémy osvojení pedagogických dovedností učitele tělesné výchovy. IN: Coufalová, J. (ed.). Hledisko kvality v přípravě učitelů. Monografie. Plzeň: 2010. ZÚČ v Plzni, s. 77–80. ISBN 978-80-7043-869-5.
Základy gymnastiky (2021). UK PedF, e-learning. ISBN 978-80-7603-308-5.